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[April] Prayer Updates

Prayer Updates for The United States of America

1. April is indicative of the Easter Season. Let us pray that God’s people would

find victory in their lives through the powerful resurrection of our Savior,

Jesus Christ, experiencing His unabashed love during Lent, Passion Week, and

Resurrection Sunday. May the message of the Cross and Christ’s resurrection be

boldly proclaimed.

2. On May 2, 2019, the National Day of Prayer will commence across America in

over 40,000 locations in order to intercede on behalf of the country’s leadership

and national concerns. JAMA is also preparing for the National Day of Prayer

by inviting various local pastors and neighboring ministries to gather and pray

together at the JAMA Global Campus on this day. Let us pray that the LORD

would hear the prayers of His people and grant them mercy. May the United

States of America return to the LORD.

3. This year’s National Day of Prayer theme is, “Love One Another” (John 13:14). As

we repent and seek the LORD, may we overcome the barriers of divide caused

by racism and discrimination – building channels of blessing, so that America

might become a nation, which exhibits the love of Christ. May we witness a

resurgence of integrity to this nation’s media outlets, using these platforms as a

means to unite and love the people this country.

4. Please pray for the State of California. As one of the largest and most influential

states in America, we need California to recognize and submit to the sovereign

will of the Father. With the approval of the State Governor, California courts

have approved for the implementation of a weekly Sex Education curriculum

for grades 7-12 containing explicit content. On February 19, 2019, parents

opposing the proposed curriculum organized a “Sit Out,” withholding

numerous students from attending classes. Please pray for continued wisdom

and strength for parents and students, as they seek to protect individuals from

exposure to inappropriate, mature content.

Prayer Topic Updates for JAMA

1. We are currently preparing to host a gathering for the National Day of Prayer with various

churches and Christian organizations on May 2 at the JAMA Global Campus. Please pray that many would participate and that this gathering would serve as a gateway to partnering with numerous intercessors so that we might be able to continue gathering on a monthly basis.

numerous intercessors so that we might be able to continue gathering on a monthly basis.

2. By God’s grace, renovations across the JAMA Global Campus are now 3/4 complete. Please pray for the continuing and remaining renovations proposed for completion in 2019. In order to complete these projects, we have launched, “Rise & Build 2,” a fundraising campaign to raise the remaining $970,000. Please pray and consider partnering with JAMA as we seek the LORD’s favor to graciously complete His work.

3. Please pray for the Lord’s provision as preparations continue in taking the necessary steps to move forward with Lindale Kingdom College.

4. Please pray for Dr. John C. Kim, Rev. Ezra SoonYoung Kang, and the entire JAMA Staff. May they be consistently filled by the Holy Spirit, act in wisdom and discernment, and be covered with good health.

5. Please pray that the LORD’s hand would be upon the various gatherings taking place during the first half of 2019. 1. Global Leadership Development Institute [GLDI] (June 20 – August 4) Forty Days of Leadership Training to train and develop Spirit-filled, competent individuals. 2. College Prep: Radiant [CP:R] (July 15 – July 20) Five intense days of training and mentoring to equip High School graduates entering college, spiritually, academically, and relationally. 3. JAMA Intercessory Prayer Conference (May 29 – June 1) 4. Global Leadership Forum (Korean) (May 15 – 18)

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