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[May] Prayer Updates

Prayer Updates for The United States of America

  1. Please pray for the restoration and revival in the family model. May families gather daily for a time of worship as parents demonstrate and become examples to their children, what it means to stand in awe and learn from the Word of God. (Deut. 4-9).

  2. Please pray that families will experience true reconciliation and become one in Christ. May parents be first in seeking out forgiveness for their iniquities as families learn to forgive, reconcile, and bless family relationships in Christ through times of worship.

  3. May 7 is the National Day of Prayer where individuals will join in concerted prayer for national leaders and this country. Though there will be no physical assembly, please join us across media platforms on radio, television, and Youtube.

  4. Despite the national efforts to contain and overcome COVID-19, on April 28, the number of confirmed cases affected by the novel virus reached 1-million persons in the United States. Only God can bring resolution to this pandemic. May we see genuine repentance arise from across the entire nation as witnessed in II Chronicles 7:13-14 and Joel 2:12-13.

  5. May God have mercy upon families and those affected by COVID-19 – instilling restoration of faith, healing, and grace upon them.

  6. May God protect national leaders, medical personnel, law enforcement, firefighters, and all other front-line workers. May these individuals seek the grace and wisdom of God. May the Lord protect and grant wisdom and peace upon patients, victims, and those enduring economic hardships during this time.

  7. May the entire world come to seek the LORD as a result of COVID-19. May there be an uprising and great move of repentance. Lord, grant a great awakening and great revival that would sweep over the earth!

Prayer Topic Updates for JAMA

1. Please pray with us as we prepare for the National Day of Prayer on May 7. Join us also, on the day of at the following:

East Texas [English Speaking] | May 7 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM (CST) Via Youtube, Facebook
Southern California [Korean Speaking] | May 7 – 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM / 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (PST)

Korean Programming available on AM 1190 (Korean Gospel Broadcasting Company), CTS, and YouTube

New Jersey [Korean Speaking] | May 7 – 10:00 AM-12:00 PM (EST)

Korean Programming streaming on CTS and YouTube

2. Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, all scheduled bookings and gatherings on the JAMA Global Campus have been cancelled or suspended. Though these circumstances prove to be challenging, please join us in praying for continued strength, health, and wisdom as the JAMA Staff, interns, and volunteers continue to strive to be good stewards of the property and resources entrusted to us.

3. Please pray for the continued planning of the proposed Lindale Kingdom College as we seek wisdom and discernment in establishing and securing academic faculty, board of trustees, and partners. Please pray also, as we continue planning for campus development and construction, accreditation, as well as college and community development.

4. Please pray that the Lord would provide good staff members and volunteers to partner with JAMA Global.

5. Please pray that the funds needed to continue and complete construction projects on campus would be fulfilled.

6. Finally, please pray that the JAMA Global Campus would continue in serving others, demonstrating the Grace of God, and become a place of spiritual revival.

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